The U.S. Forest Service just asked if we want them to protect mature & old growth trees in our National Forests from commercial logging.

You can tell them what you
want with the form below:

By providing my contact information, I consent to have campaign organizers with Environment America Research & Policy Center submit my comment to the U.S. Forest Service.

Spread The Word:

What’s Going On?

The U.S. Forest Service is asking the public if they should protect mature & old growth trees in our National Forests from commercial logging until September 21, 2024.

Above is a letter you can edit that we will forward to the USFS as part of the public comment period. After they stop accepting comments, they will begin finalizing the National Old Growth Amendment. The USFS will publish it next year after considering everyone’s input.

They are required to read every letter.
By writing in, you will influence policy to move in the direction you would like it to.

Anyone on Earth can write in.
You can help if you live elsewhere.
Comments from US citizens weigh more.

Duplicates don’t count.
Once you submit, get other people to write in by making your own videos with the toolkit or organizing in your community.

Your letter will have the biggest impact if it’s respectful, honest, and fact-based.
You can leave it as is or add your own flair.

This will be one of the biggest nature policies ever implemented in the US. We can make sure it’s in our best interest by writing in. By sending a letter, you’re helping make history!